Bhajan Kammata Implementation:– The Bhajana kammata is an event once in a year. The Shanthivana trust, a trust established by Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade for protection and promotion of Indian art and culture along with yoga, Ayurveda, Naturopathy sciences is taking leading role in implementing this event, in association with Shri Kshethra Dharmasthala Rural Development Project.
- The selection of right candidates from the Bhajana mandala is a major challenges as he/she is expected to give training in his/her bhajana mandala after successful participation in Kammata.
To implement this major event a separate committee is formulated with representative from shanthivana trust, Shri Kshethra Dharmasthala Rural Development Project, local leaders and local people.
- Each committee is given with the responsibility, like taking care of participants, their logistics, materials to be given, street bhajan plays, inviting guests and resource persons etc
- The sessions begin at 9 A.M And ends at 5.30 P.M.
- Two members each from Bhajan Mandali can participate in the training.
- The complete method of practicing bhajan is demonstrated during the training
- The morning yoga sessions is compulsory to all the participant .
- On the last day valedictory sessions, mass bhajan program will be organised where more then 5000 members chant bhajans at a time. This creates a wave of devotion and spiritual strengthen making people more confident and united.